Student Volunteers


The International Congress of Psychology (ICP) is the leading global psychological event organised every four years under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science. Its tradition reaches back to 1889 when the first ICP Congress was held in Paris. All the fields of psychology will be represented in over 40 thematic areas. Thousands of participants from the whole world are expected as well as top scholars who will deliver keynote and state of the art addresses. While large quantities of participants and renowned experts are vital, no congress can succeed without a number of motivated and competent student volunteers. Given the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the IUPsyS and ICP2020 leadership have decided to postpone the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020) until 18–23 July 2021 to ensure everyone’s health and safety. Consider volunteering for ICP 2020+!

Benefits of being a student volunteer at ICP 2020+:
     Being a student volunteer at ICP 2020+ is an excellent opportunity to meet, interact, and network with a variety of experts in psychology from all over the globe with an interest in psychology.

  • Opportunity to meet, hear and network with world-class psychologists from around the world
  • Meeting fellow students from various countries
  • Being part of the conference without paying
  • Behind the scene experience with organization of a top international event
  • Valuable work experience for your CV

Volunteers will receive:

  • Their name listed on the ICP 2020+ website
  • Official ICP t-shirt, a unique, earned souvenir
  • Refreshments, snacks and drinks for the duration of the event, please note that volunteers are responsible for their accommodation and travel costs
  • Public recognition on stage at the ICP Closing ceremony


  • Reliability, responsibility
  • Availability July 15–23, 2021
  • Since English is the official congress language, all volunteers have to speak English fluently;  knowledge of additional languages is a plus
  • Good social and communication skills
  • Psychology student (Humanities preferred)
  • Letter of recommendation from a PhD lecturer

Volunteer tasks will include:

The general role for the student volunteers:

  • To help coordinate program activities
  • Assist onsite with attendees, help answer attendee questions
  • Provide directions to various locations
  • Registration duties
  • Greet visiting delegates
  • Provide general assistance to keep the conference running smoothly
  • To help with traffic flow
  • Ensure podium session and other sessions run in a timely manner

Volunteer Activities

Volunteering involves a variety of tasks. Applicants may select preferred volunteer category, we shall do our best to accommodate your wish but cannot guarantee you will be assigned to the category of your choice. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following tasks:

  • Airport: welcoming foreign delegates
  • Registration desk: registration of attendees, checking their IDs, giving them conference materials
  • Greeting and providing directions 
  • Exhibition: Assistance to exhibitors
  • Conference rooms: Set-up/ Tear-down with arranging chairs, tables, podium; securing smooth run of the sessions by providing microphones for discussion, water for the speakers, technical assistants should they be needed, crowd management, vacating session for the next one
  • Coat check/ cloakroom service
  • Runners, “gofers”: fast connection, delivering messages, secure a smooth flow

Don’t miss a chance to be at a great event, ICP 2020+


Please apply online by filling out an online registration form and emailing your CV, short motivation letter why you would like to volunteer at ICP 2020 and a Letter of recommendation from a PhD lecturer to

Application Due Date: January 31, 2021

Each applicant will be required to attend an orientation and general training session on July 15th, 2021.

The general training session will be aimed at enabling applicants to gain basic knowledge required as student volunteers.

Volunteers cannot take an active part in the Scientific Programme in the way of presenting a paper or poster.