Neurotrend, z.s., Czech Republic
Centre of Longevity and Long-term Care (CELLO), Charles University
Working Group memebrs:
Geropsychology is a term used for a broad field of the psychology of ageing and, more generally, of old age. Human ageing and old age are associated with specific phenomena and challenges for the individual, family and community levels as well as wider society. Geropsychologists provide important, constantly updated knowledge obtained through basic research, practice, evidence-based interventions, and interdisciplinary co-operations, aimed at providing help at all levels, so that people have good quality of life across ageing and in old age.
Core topics:
1) healthy/normal and pathological aging from psychological view (mental health and diseases, psychological assessment tools, cognitive superaging, cognitive disorders, dementia, role of environment, aging stereotypes, ageism, sexuality in older age, spirituality, ethics);
2) psychological support in older age (active aging, positive aging, psychotherapy for older persons, well-being training, palliative care, cognitive stimulation and training, cognitive rehabilitation, life-long learning, second career, inter-generational issues);
3) supporting care for older persons (education and interventions for informal and formal carers, and for government officials).