Welcome message from Stanislav Štech – ICP 2020 President

Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues and friends:
It is my pleasure to invite you to the 32nd  International Congress of Psychology that will take place in July 2020 in the beautiful city of Prague. Prague with thousand years of remarkable history is renowned as a cultural center for its achievements in many spheres of arts: architecture, music, sculpture, painting. Moreover, it stands out as a center of science and humanism. Many famous scientists and humanists lived and worked in Prague such as astronomers Tycho de Brahe and Johannes Kepler, religious reformer Jan Hus and anatomist and surgeon Johannes Jessenius (both also served as rectors of Charles University), philosopher and matematician Bernardo Bolzano, physiologist Jan E. Purkyně, Czech Nobel prize winners Jaroslav Heyrovský and Jaroslav Seifert. Charles University also hosted Albert Einstein who lectured at the German part of Charles University.

Charles University is a symbol of the significant role Prague and Czech lands played in the region. Founded in 1348 by the Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV, it has long enjoyed an international reputation for high quality of teaching and research. Today, more than 51 000 students study at Charles University.

We could hardly find a more suitable place for the congress than Prague.
Nevertheless, the Congress is not only about Prague, other cities and most notably Moravian University centers in Brno and Olomouc are renowned both for their outstanding scholarly traditions and dynamic scientific development.

We and all of Czech psychologists invite you warmly to participate at the ICP in July 2020, to share scientific results and to exchange opinions – in the spirit of the ´Open Minds, Societies and the World.´

Please, follow the news about the Congress at our website: www.icp2020.com

Stanislav Štech