Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues and friends:
It is my pleasure to address you again, this time during the holiday season and within sight of the upcoming year of 2020, the year of the greatest event of the psychological community–the International Congress of Psychology, ICP2020.
Of course, for us the congress is not just July 19-24, 2020. For us it is already happening. We are preparing for you a great lineup of outstanding state of the art presenters (including a Nobel laureate), over 150 first class keynote speakers who represent respective psychological fields, and many interesting invited symposia. Thousands of abstracts are pouring in. Their flood was so strong during the month of December that we extended the deadline for abstract submission to January 19th.
Although science will be the main focus, I am sure you will also enjoy the beauty of Prague and the Czech and Moravian culture – sites, customs, arts, music, food and drinks. So, while we celebrate winter holidays, whether they are Christmas or other festivals of the world, let us also rejoice over the upcoming year 2020, may it be happy and successful.
See you in Prague.
Stanislav Štech
ICP 2020 President