Psychology of Morality Working Group

Tereza Příhodová
Tereza Příhodová

National Institute of Mental Health Czech Republic

Marek Preiss
Marek Preiss
Vice Chair

National Institute of Mental Health Czech Republic

Working Group memebrs:

  • Martina Klicperová
  • Veronika Juričková

Psychology of Morality working group is oriented to research on human morality and mentation. Topics on which the group is working include moral reasoning, character, moral identity, moral virtues, moral emotions, positive psychology, moral rules, moral disengagement, integrity, the neural correlates of ethical judgment, attribution of moral responsibility and other relevant topics. Both theoretical frameworks and practical applications are welcome. International co-operation of psychologists, in this context within the moral psychology working group of ICP 2020 congress is required in order to reach the goal of making links betweeen different theories, opinions and practical applications.

Core topics:

  • Moral values
  • Integrity
  • New theories
  • Identity
  • Ethical judgments
  • Moral decisions